DPI explained, Part 2: Myths and misunderstandings
With its long history and technical nature, it's no surprise DPI often causes confusion. Let's disspel some common myths.
With its long history and technical nature, it's no surprise DPI often causes confusion. Let's disspel some common myths.
DPI stands for Dots Per Inch, but what are inches to a digital image? In this article we'll examine what DPI means in the context of print, computer screens, and digital images.
It's been a while since we released a new tiling. Today, we are releasing not one, but two!
An indie yarn dyer who fell in love with pattern design. Read Cordula's story and see how she uses Repper.
Sir Roger Penrose has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics this year.
Ellen Meiselman finishes her pieces of wearable art with Repper patterns.
The other day while browsing Instagram, I was stopped in my tracks by this work.